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Intersection is an abstract piece of work that aimed to present my experience of epilepsy and seizures in an experimental, process-driven way. During a seizure, the impairment of visual, audial, movement, memory and consciousness control is presented in this series. The intersection of painted squares demonstrates how each sense becomes warped and disturbed by the uncontrolled synaptic activity in the brain. The gradually intensifying experience of going through a seizure has been presented in order of each stages severity, the earlier pieces being calm and still, with the later pieces becoming more and more distorted.

The original pieces were created using paint, the different squares symbolising different senses; vision, sound, movement and memory. The squares were then put into a scanner and moved around, demonstrating how the stability of the intersecting squares can become disordered, this created the various types of distorted outcomes seen across the series. The physical (painted) aspects of the work reflect the physiological parts of a person (our body/mind), the digital (scanned) aspects of the work reflect the cognitive elements of a person and how once these become affected, it can change the overall appearance of the individual, depite them still consisting of the same physiological material (the painted squares).


Size: A1
Composition: Black Acrylic Paint on Paper (150gsm)